wàn shuǐ quán xīn qū hóng qí nóng cháng xū nǐ bàn shì chù
万 wàn: ten thousand; innumerable
水 shuǐ: water, liquid, lotion, juice
泉 quán: spring, fountain; wealth, money
新 xīn: new, recent, fresh, modern
区 qū: area, district, region, ward
红 hóng: red, vermillion; blush, flush
旗 qí: banner, flag, streamer
农 nóng: agriculture, farming; farmer
场 cháng: open space, field, market
虚 xū: false
拟 nǐ: draft; intend, plan, propose
办 bàn: manage, do, handle; deal with
事 shì: affair, matter, business; to serve; accident, incident
处 chù: place, locale; department
To facilitate prenonciation of Chinese ideograms original of drawing,
the government of the People's Republic of China has adopted a Pinyin system in the years 1955-1957,
becomed ISO 7098 in 1982, using the Latin alphabet.
Please take a look at Pinyin for more explanations.
Complementary to this page, you can translate a Latin language, English,
in Chinese characters by pronunciation, ie, the transliteration.