6901035617079 => Ean Finder to find the supplier of a product according to Gencod, Barcodes EAN, EAN13

149632953066 Type a Gencod (barcode EAN), 13 digits at the maximum, e.g. 438:

EAN 13 bar code has 13 digits, it represents a product of a unique nature and a fixed quantity in the world of manufactured goods. The 13 digits of a barcode can be separated into 4 groups according to Rule 2 - 5 - 5 - 1. The first two digits identify the country from which the bar code, 30 France, 86 China ... The following 5 digits the manufacturer, and the last 5 digits are the manufacturer company's internal product code. The last digit is not significant because it is automatically deducted from the 12 previous digits, for the reading error control.

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