United Arab Emirates 阿拉伯联合酋长国 => Our Countries/Territories and Corresponding Products
Our products are from all over the World.
Each nation has her own Chinese Zodiac Sign.
As a fact, as soon as her creation, a nation has already her pre-destination:
Rat, Ox, Tiger, Rabbit, Dragon, Snake, Horse, Goat, Monkey, Rooster,
Dog and Pig.
Her behaviour, her success, her historic role for the humanity on depend.
Please Check it here yourself...
Metal Pig

Fire Tiger

Black Tea.
Fire Monkey

Le singe est caractérisé par son intelligence et sa diplomatie. Ce Singe de Feu, de tempérament émotif, a publié la plupart des brevets, et a inventé Microsoft, Apple, Google… et Facebook. Par sa diplomatie et agilité il est le chef du monde.
Countries/Territories | Products per Country/Territory | Timezones | Chinese Zodiac Sign of the Nations of the World |
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